
Spring is here! More people will be outside making neighborhood driving dangerous for landscapers, contractors, house painters and more. Share these reminders with your Commercial Auto customers for a safe and happy season.
Expect the unexpected
- People can be unpredictable, especially kids. We all know the rules but it’s easy to get distracted when talking with neighbors or playing with friends.
- Keep an eye out for kids running, riding bikes and playing ball. These activities can put a child in the street quickly.
- Just because there is a sidewalk, doesn’t mean children or adults will use it. Watch for kids playing and adults walking in the streets.
Slow down
- Driving safely around children means slowing down and paying attention to your surroundings. Be careful when cars are parked on the streets limiting your view. Small children are difficult to see when between cars.
- Back out of driveways and turn corners with extra caution. Take extra time with any unusual maneuvers.
Vacation state of mind
- Kids aren’t the only ones enjoying time off in the summer. Many families will be hitting the roads on vacation. These drivers are likely trying to follow directions to a new destination and may make unexpected turns or stops. This kind of distracted driving requires extra vigilance and patience.