With the reduced availability of community events and civic group meetings, or even due to a simple reduction in physical foot-traffic, it may be time to rethink and refresh the way you’re marketing. Here are 5 ways to keep your name at the top of customers’ minds—both now and in the future!
1. Be social (digitally)
Your agency—and your name—is a brand, and one of the best ways to build that brand is through social media. To make things easier, we offer ready-to-use content for your social media feeds, as well as guidelines on how to use our brand, so you can use the Progressive name to boost your own.
2. Get to the front of the Internet search results line
Using Search Engine Optimization (SEO) keywords or paying a few dollars to boost your presence in online searches, you can make sure your name is near the top whenever someone Googles “Commercial insurance near me.” Not sure which is end is up with SEO? You’re not alone! Visit Progressive Marketing for a special program available to our agents that you can use to optimize your online presence.
3. Go farther with good reviews
In a digital world where anyone can leave a review on just about anything, a single negative review can turn away potential leads—especially if it’s the only review or one of just a few. That’s why it’s important to make sure that the ones people DO find for your business are good ones. In fact, it’s a good idea to do a search on your business from time to time to see what comes up. In a nutshell, this is what’s referred to as online reputation management (ORM).
If you don’t have many reviews, ask your best customers to share their experiences online, or even do a raffle or giveaway to encourage participation. And if you’d like something more automated, visit Progressive Marketing for a special partner program with GatherUp that makes ORM easy.
4. Take the show online
Customers have questions about their commercial insurance, and you’ve got the answers. There may be no replacing an in-person meeting or event, but until you can be back in front of a room full of people, an online webinar meeting may be the next best thing for sharing your expertise. You can even follow it up with a blog entry or a post on what of your social media platforms.
No matter how you do it, now is the perfect time to let customers know the tremendous value you bring them as an advisor on their insurance needs and a partner in risk management.
5. Greetings from your Progressive appointed agency
Looking for something a little more tangible to help you keep in touch with customers and find new leads? Send them a post card!
It may be the most traditional method of marketing on this list, but it’s still a great way to get customers thinking of you, especially as their business needs—and insurance needs—are changing. We’ve got low-cost options for both cross-selling to existing customers and acquiring new ones. Go to Progressive Marketing and scroll down to find them.
Digital Agent Playbook
These 5 tips are a great start, but they’re just the tip of the iceberg! If you’re looking for more info on digital marketing—and guidance tailored to your own level of experience—check out our Digital Marketing Playbook. Whether you’re new to digital marketing or a seasoned veteran, you’ll find helpful resources to keep your agency’s name top-of-mind with the customers who need you.